Regulamin arrMY

§ 1 General provisions

  1. The arrMY Web site, hereinafter referred to as the Web site, is a service that enables the rivalry in electronic sports offered by the web site under the domain
  2. The arrMY organizer is Grezly Sp. z o. o. with its seat in Szczecin , Al. Papieża Jana Pawła II, nr 32/9, 70-453 Szczecin, Tax Identification Number (NIP) 851-326-37-43, Business Identification Number (REGON) 389866301, hereinafter referred to as the Organizer. The arrMY service shall be hereinafter referred to as the Service. 
  3. The Administrator is an entity authorized by the Organizer to take care of the games and the functioning of the Website.
  4. The contact with game administrators can be established via instant messengers:  Discord, TeamSpeak,  or via chat on Messages sent in other places than those mentioned above may be ignored.
  5. arrMY user is a person with an established and activated account in the service, who was accepted to participate in the arrMY project or found himself in it by receiving a direct invitation. In the further part of these Regulations referred to as User/Vendor.
  6. Netiquette is a set of rules of decent behavior on the Internet. Certain rules must be followed (accessed: 31.11.2021). 
  7. The Organizer reserves the right to change the Regulations. At the same time, any issues not contained in these Rules shall be individually resolved by the Organizer and the Administration. Decisions made by the Organizer and Administration are final. 
  8. By registering in the Service, User acknowledges that he/she has read and accepts Terms of Use and Service Privacy Policy. Violation of the Terms of Service may lead to temporary or permanent suspension of rights of the Service User. 
  9. By using the Service, the User agrees to comply with the Polish law.
  10. Claiming lack of knowledge of these Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and other regulations of the Service is not an excuse for any violation thereof.
  11. The User is obliged to use the Service in a manner consistent with generally applicable law and rules of social coexistence.
  12. User is prohibited from providing and publishing via the Service any unlawful content, including pornography, illegal threats, drug advertising and infringement of third party copyrights.
  13. User is prohibited to use the Service in a way that disturbs its functioning or inconveniences other Users, to use the content contained in the Service in a way that exceeds his/her personal use, to place links to sites that publish illegal content or content that is in conflict with the Polish or international law or these Regulations.
  14. The User is prohibited from sending files infected with viruses, transmitting data, software or other material protected by copyright or industrial property to which the User does not hold the rights.
  15. It is prohibited to use the Service in a manner that adversely affects the access of other Users to the Service.
  16. Any attempt of unauthorized access to the Service or its software will be reported to the appropriate services.
  17. It is the responsibility of the User to keep his/her login information in a secure location that is inaccessible to others.
  18. In the event of a suspicion that a User has registered using false data or has attempted to bypass other prohibitions through such registration, the Website reserves the right to delete such User's account, and such behavior will be reported to the appropriate services.
  19. The Website and its services are protected by copyright under Polish and international law.
  20. It is forbidden to use the Service for one's own (commercial) purposes, such as selling products and services of one's own or third parties. It does not apply to streaming (broadcasting their matches) by Users while using the Service.
  21. It is forbidden for the User to cheat or use software in order to gain an unfair advantage while playing in the Service.

§ 2 Personal data of the User

All personal data are processed in accordance with applicable laws, in particular the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data. Detailed rules regarding the processing of Users' personal data are available in the "Privacy Policy" tab.

§ 3 General principles of using the Service

  1. In order to use the Website, it is necessary to have an account, which is created by the User on his/her own in the process of registration on the Website.
  2. During the registration process, a User gives his/her personal data, which are gathered and processed by the Administrator in accordance with the principles defined in the "Privacy Policy" tab.
  3. Making a full registration of the account in the Service allows the User to use all the functions of the Service, in particular to participate in leagues, tournaments and to make purchases in the store

§ 4. User Duties and Responsibilities

  1. User is obliged to protect access to his/her account on the Website, in particular by preventing unwanted disclosure of his/her login and password to his/her account on the Website.
  2. Any behavior by the User that is in any way deemed by the Service to be detrimental to the integrity, fairness and integrity of the Service is prohibited and may result in the User being banned from the Service. The foregoing prohibited conduct may include, but is not limited to:
    • use or sharing of external programs, viruses and other malicious code to gain unauthorized access to other users' accounts, their personal information, or to affect the operation of the Service;
    • using the Website for the purpose of unauthorised advertising of external entities, in particular for the purpose of persuading the Website users to register at websites competitive to;
    • using the Website for the purpose of distributing materials that are unlawful, vulgar, threatening, defamatory, infringing the rights to the image of third parties, obscene, profane, encouraging unlawful behaviour, constituting a crime or otherwise leading to civil or criminal liability, without the express written consent of the Website, advertising external products not related to the Website;
    • use by a User of external software supporting the game (so-called cheats);
  3. In case of observing identical actions, the Service has the right to immediately remove prohibited content and to impose a blockade on an account and to restrict a User's access to the Service
  4. User does not have the right to publish in the Service any content that is covered by copyrights, trademarks or trade marks, or other intellectual property rights without the prior consent of their owner. User is personally liable for damages caused by unauthorized publication of such materials.
  5. By participating in the games, leagues, tournaments and other features offered by the Website, the User agrees that the Website may use any and all materials related to the User's participation in the features offered by the Website, including gameplay in the form of photographs, audio and video recordings, the User's nickname, avatar, voice and any public data provided in the User's profile for legitimate marketing, advertising and sales purposes, through any means available at the time technological knowledge. The rights referred to in this paragraph are not limited in time or territory.
  6. Spreading hatred and hate in general on and off the platform may result in the user being blocked from arrMY games.
  7. Blocks imposed on other platforms, imposed by the developer of the game and the organizers of the games may result in the exclusion of the user from the arrMY platform.
  8. If you have a VAC ban, you may participate in arrMY games, provided that 5 years have passed since the date of the block.

§ 5 Esport Dollars (e$)

  1. Esport Dollars (e$) are the internal digital currency of the Service, allowing purchases only within the Service and may not be used interchangeably with any other real currency.
  2. Esport Dollars may only be purchased directly from the Service, through the Service.
  3. Payments to the Service to acquire Esport Dollars are posted immediately upon receipt of the transaction. 
  4. Esport Dollars cannot be sold externally or exchanged internally between Users. Any attempts to increase the budget on the Website, other than those offered by the Website, will be punished by revoking the User's Esport Dollars purchased in a manner inconsistent with these Terms of Use, excluding the User from the games or blocking the access to the User's account. 
  5. The User has the right to withdraw from the contract of sale of Esport Dollars within 24 hours if the object of the contract has not been used by him/her. In order to withdraw from the contract of sale the User is obliged to send a message informing about the withdrawal via e-mail - [email protected]
  6. Any complaints related to Esport Dollars will be considered and resolved within 30 days from the date of purchase. 
  7. Once the User's account is deleted, Esport Dollars remain in the possession of the Service. 
  8. In the event that the User is banned (i.e. blocked from the User's account for violating the Terms of Use of the game or platform) in CS2 or any other CS2-related platform, all of their Esport Dollars will be released to the Service. This will also result in the forfeiture of all services purchased by the User from the Service. 
  9. On January 1 of each year, there will be a procedure for adjusting the balance specified in e$, which will be related to the removal of overdue points from the User's profile. It applies to e$ that have been credited to the user's profile more than 365 days from the date of activation of the procedure. The user will be notified by e-mail one month before the activation of this action, how many points will be overdue.

§ 6. Announcements

  1. The "Announcements" tab allows registered Users of the Service to publish their own and respond via private message on the Service to announcements regarding:
    1. search for partners to play games supported by the Service,
    2. organization of matches in games supported by the Service,
    3. other content directly related to the search for game partners, search for a team, organization of matches, sparring etc. in games supported by the Service.
  2. Publication of an ad in the "Ads" tab requires the User to fill out a form available on the Website.
  3. The condition for publishing the User's ad is to correctly fill in the required data and information, in accordance with the instructions contained in the form.
  4. Announcements published by the User may not contain content that is inconsistent with the Regulations, with generally applicable laws, content that is generally considered vulgar, malicious, offensive, indecent and inappropriate, or that suggests a connection between the author of the announcement and the Service.
  5. In the event of a violation of the rules described in the content of this paragraph, the Administrator reserves the right to immediately remove the ad and limit or block the User's further access to the Service.

§ 7. Premium

  1. In order to complete an order it is necessary to choose the option "I purchase premium service", which results in submitting a binding offer to conclude a sales agreement with the Service and after receiving an e-mail from the Service confirming the order - results in concluding a sales agreement and results in the obligation to pay the price.
  2. After placing an order, the User receives an e-mail confirming the order.
  3. The user can make payment through the intermediary service for the online payment process integrated with, or through Esport Dollars.
  4. The user agrees to send electronic invoices to the e-mail address provided by the user, which can be withdrawn at any time.
  5. All matters concerning complaints are described in § 9 of these Regulations "Complaints"
  6. Refund for the purchase of premium services is possible only and exclusively in the case of manual purchase of premium. Refunds are only possible if no more than 14 days have passed since the purchase, and no Premium service has been used. Automatic renewal of premium is not refundable.
  7. All complaints and refund requests should be sent to the following contact email: [email protected].
  8. Withdrawal form can be found in the Regulations of ARRMY.PL Internet Shop in § 13.

§ 8 Shop

  1. The purchase procedure begins with adding the product to the basket, proceeding to the payment and filling in the data necessary for the delivery of the product (using the Account or without registration). Then a choice of payment, delivery method and acceptance of terms and conditions is made.
  2. In order to complete an order you must select the "I buy and pay" option, which results in a binding offer to conclude a sales agreement on the Site and after receiving an e-mail from the Site confirming the order - results in the conclusion of a sales agreement and results in an obligation to pay the price of the goods plus shipping costs.
  3. After placing an order, the User receives an e-mail confirming the placed order.
  4. In the case of choosing a payment other than cash on delivery, the User should make the payment within 7 days from the date of order. After the expiry of the above period, the Service has the right to cancel the order.
  5. Shipping of equipment purchased in the store of the Service will be completed within 14 days of posting the payment on the bank account belonging to the Service.
  6. Shipping of equipment purchased in the Service Center will be carried out only within Poland.
  7. In case of unavailability of all or part of the goods covered by the order, the Service will immediately notify the User about it and in case of payment by the User, will offer him/her replacement goods or return the money received by him/her. The choice of the User is binding for the Service in this regard, and the lack of choice shall be considered as the choice to return the received sum of money.
  8. Delivery of goods is realized through the postal service delivered by Poczta Polska SA. or by courier, delivered by DHL.
  9. The user can make payment through the intermediary service for the online payment process integrated with, or through Esport Dollars.
  10. The user agrees to send electronic invoices to the e-mail address provided by him, which can be withdrawn at any time.
  11. All matters concerning complaints are described in the content of § 9 of these Regulations "Complaints".  
  12. If the Buyer has not received the shipment and it has been returned to the Seller's address, it is possible to resend the product to the Buyer's address. The Buyer bears the cost of repeated shipment.

§ 9 Complaints

  1. Complaints concerning the functioning of arrMY Account, services offered by arrMY and equipment available in the Store should be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected].
  2. The processing of complaints by the Service concerning any services offered in the Store shall take place within 14 days from the date of receiving the Complaint.
  3. The User has 14 days from the date of purchase to withdraw from the agreement and return the equipment offered in the Store after informing the Organiser via the email address: [email protected], in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014. 
  4. The cost of returning the equipment is borne by the User.
  5. Complaints about analyses, trainings and other services offered by the Service should be reported immediately after their completion. Justification should be described in the email given in § 9.1 of the Regulations. Complaints will be reviewed by the Project Coordinator. In case of positive consideration of the complaint, the User may apply for another service.

§  10 Intellectual Property Rights

  1. The Service uses materials protected by generally applicable laws, in particular copyright law (Act on Copyright and Related Rights of 4 February 1994), trademarks and other information protected by law under separate acts, such as text, photos, video materials, graphics, music and sound, and software used by the Service.
  2. The User does not have the right to use, publish, transmit, sell, create derivative works or modify or use in part or in whole the content published in the Service without prior express written consent of the Service, or pursuant to the rights specified in the provisions of the Act on Copyright of 4 February 1994.
  3. The User confirms that by registering and using the Website he/she does not acquire any ownership rights to the materials accessed or used through the Website.
  4. All graphics, logos, page layouts, button icons, scripts, and service names used in the Service are the sole property of the Service, and may not be used in connection with other service products, particularly to mislead consumers, without the prior written consent of the Service.

§ 11 Changes in Terms of Use

The Website reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations and to add or remove specific provisions at any time. Any changes, addition or deletion of provisions of the Regulations shall be immediately communicated to all Users in a way that guarantees reaching the Users in the largest possible extent. Further use of the Service by a User after being informed about the introduced changes is equivalent to his acceptance of the Regulations in the changed, current form.

§ 12 Limitation of liability of the Website

The Website assumes no liability in connection with the User's use of the Website. The User uses the Website at his/her own risk. This applies both to liability for damages incurred by the User as a result of using the Service, even in the case when the Organizer was aware of the possibility of such damages. Regardless of the content of this paragraph, in the event that the exclusion of liability of the Website is limited, in particular by a legally binding ruling, the Website is liable for damages incurred by Users only to the amount paid by the User to the Website account in connection with the use of its services.

§ 13 Final Provisions

  1. The Service is entitled to make changes in these regulations on the basis of § 11 of these Regulations.
  2. Changes in the Regulations, referred to in point 1 of this paragraph, come into force with a transition period of 7 days, counting from the date of publication of the Regulations in the changed form on the website of the Service in a way allowing all Users to get acquainted with them.
  3. All changes will be previously published on the Website in a way allowing each User to get acquainted with their content.
  4. In disputable cases, not regulated by the provisions of these Regulations, the final decision belongs to the Organizer of the games.
  5. The Administrator will make every effort to avoid contentious situations, and in case of their occurrence - to make them immediately resolved to the greatest possible benefit for both parties. In situation when, employee or Service staff member breaks the rules of confidentiality or functioning of the Service, the Service has the right to immediately take action to determine the guilty party and draw the appropriate consequences.
  6. If an issue addressed in the Rules and Regulations appears in other Rules and Regulations, list of rules or other publicly available place in the Service and its content is inconsistent with the content of the provision in the Rules and Regulations, the provisions of the Rules and Regulations shall prevail.